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              1. <blockquote id='VEqKra'><q id='VEqKra'><noscript id='VEqKra'></noscript><dt id='VEqKra'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='VEqKra'><i id='VEqKra'></i>
                1. Job Name
                2. Recruitment Professi
                3. Work Place
                4. Job Number
                5. Date
                6. Apply
                • Sales Manager
                • Recruitment Professi
                • Guangxi
                • 1
                • 2019-12-23
                • Apply
                Job description
                1. Provide HR outsourcing plan and consulting service for enterprise customers, lead the team to achieve the annual sales target of Shenzhen Branch;
                2. Achieve personal performance goals;
                3. Provide training guidance and business support for team members, manage the pace of market development of the branch company;
                4. Do a good job in cross department communication and coordination to ensure the quality of outsourcing services;
                5. Complete other related tasks delivered by company leaders.

                Job requirements
                1. University degree, major is not limited, must have more than 3 years of experience in human resource service outsourcing industry;
                2. Be familiar with HR outsourcing related products and services, have a deep understanding of personnel management and finance and taxation, be able to communicate with HR Director, financial director and senior leaders smoothly, and provide professional advice;
                3. Extroverted personality, music group, strong willpower;
                4. Excellent learning ability, communication ability, oral and written expression ability;
                5. Strong team building and management ability.
                • Sales Manager
                • Recruitment Professi
                • Guangxi
                • 1
                • 2019-12-23
                • Apply
                Job description

                1. Provide HR outsourcing plan and consulting service for enterprise customers, lead the team to achieve the annual sales target of Shenzhen Branch;

                2. Achieve personal performance goals;

                3. Provide training guidance and business support for team members, manage the pace of market development of the branch company;

                4. Do a good job in cross department communication and coordination to ensure the quality of outsourcing services;

                5. Complete other related tasks delivered by company leaders.

                Job requirements

                1. University degree, major is not limited, must have more than 3 years of experience in human resource service outsourcing industry;

                2. Be familiar with HR outsourcing related products and services, have a deep understanding of personnel management and finance and taxation, be able to communicate with HR Director, financial director and senior leaders smoothly, and provide professional advice;

                3. Extroverted personality, music group, strong willpower;

                4. Excellent learning ability, communication ability, oral and written expression ability;

                5. Strong team building and management ability.
                • Sales Manager
                • Recruitment Professi
                • Guangxi
                • 1
                • 2019-12-23
                • Apply
                Job description

                1. Provide HR outsourcing plan and consulting service for enterprise customers, lead the team to achieve the annual sales target of Shenzhen Branch;

                2. Achieve personal performance goals;

                3. Provide training guidance and business support for team members, manage the pace of market development of the branch company;

                4. Do a good job in cross department communication and coordination to ensure the quality of outsourcing services;

                5. Complete other related tasks delivered by company leaders.

                Job requirements

                1. University degree, major is not limited, must have more than 3 years of experience in human resource service outsourcing industry;

                2. Be familiar with HR outsourcing related products and services, have a deep understanding of personnel management and finance and taxation, be able to communicate with HR Director, financial director and senior leaders smoothly, and provide professional advice;

                3. Extroverted personality, music group, strong willpower;

                4. Excellent learning ability, communication ability, oral and written expression ability;

                5. Strong team building and management ability.
                • Sales Manager
                • Recruitment Professi
                • Guangxi
                • 1
                • 2019-12-23
                • Apply
                Job description

                1. Provide HR outsourcing plan and consulting service for enterprise customers, lead the team to achieve the annual sales target of Shenzhen Branch;

                2. Achieve personal performance goals;

                3. Provide training guidance and business support for team members, manage the pace of market development of the branch company;

                4. Do a good job in cross department communication and coordination to ensure the quality of outsourcing services;

                5. Complete other related tasks delivered by company leaders.

                Job requirements

                1. University degree, major is not limited, must have more than 3 years of experience in human resource service outsourcing industry;

                2. Be familiar with HR outsourcing related products and services, have a deep understanding of personnel management and finance and taxation, be able to communicate with HR Director, financial director and senior leaders smoothly, and provide professional advice;

                3. Extroverted personality, music group, strong willpower;

                4. Excellent learning ability, communication ability, oral and written expression ability;

                5. Strong team building and management ability.
                • Sales Manager
                • Recruitment Professi
                • Guangxi
                • 1
                • 2019-12-23
                • Apply
                Job description

                1. Provide HR outsourcing plan and consulting service for enterprise customers, lead the team to achieve the annual sales target of Shenzhen Branch;

                2. Achieve personal performance goals;

                3. Provide training guidance and business support for team members, manage the pace of market development of the branch company;

                4. Do a good job in cross department communication and coordination to ensure the quality of outsourcing services;

                5. Complete other related tasks delivered by company leaders.

                Job requirements

                1. University degree, major is not limited, must have more than 3 years of experience in human resource service outsourcing industry;

                2. Be familiar with HR outsourcing related products and services, have a deep understanding of personnel management and finance and taxation, be able to communicate with HR Director, financial director and senior leaders smoothly, and provide professional advice;

                3. Extroverted personality, music group, strong willpower;

                4. Excellent learning ability, communication ability, oral and written expression ability;

                5. Strong team building and management ability.